§ 430.140. Engineering Geology Report.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    When the City determines that, subject to Section 430.080(A), additional information is required on properties to protect against landslides, faults or other geological hazards, the applicant shall submit an engineering geology report. The report shall be based on adequate and necessary test borings and give an adequate description of the geology of the site, with conclusions and recommendations, regarding the effect of geologic conditions on the proposed development and giving opinions and recommendations covering the adequacy of site to be developed by the proposed land disturbance activity. Recommendations included in the report and approved by the City shall be incorporated in the SWPPP. The report shall be based on subsurface exploration and testing that represents conditions of the entire parcel. The report shall include:
    Maps depicting regional geologic settings and site-specific geologic formations and structures.
    Review of generally accepted published geologic reports pertaining to the area.
    An adequate description of the geology of the site, including description of bedrock lithology, structure and physical characteristics (strength, jointing, weathering, hardness, special physical or chemical features) and discussion of how the geologic structure affects the site.
    Identification of active and dormant landslides based on both site analysis and published geologic maps. Geologic cross sections where appropriate to convey information on geologic relationships.
    Discussion of geomorphology and relevant hillslope and stream processes. Identification and evaluation of any faults on or adjacent to the site, including their degree of activity and their possible engineering significance.
    Description and evaluation of off-site geologic hazards that may affect the graded site.
    Conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of geologic conditions on the proposed development.
    These studies shall be performed for the entire parcel and shall not be limited only to those portions to be graded.
    Reports should be signed by a Missouri licensed professional engineer.
R.O. 2011 §430.140; Ord. No. 711-09 §§1 — 3, 7-1-2009