§ 430.130. Soils Engineering Report.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    When the City determines that because of soil types and the need to protect against erosion or other hazards, the applicant shall submit a soils engineering report, subject to Section 430.080(A). The report shall be based on adequate and necessary test borings and shall contain all the information listed below. Recommendations included in the report and approved by the County shall be incorporated in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The report shall include:
    Data regarding the nature, distribution, strength and erodibility of existing soils.
    If applicable, data regarding the nature, distribution, strength and erodibility of soil to be placed on the site.
    Conclusions and recommendations for grading procedures.
    Conclusions and recommended designs for interim soil stabilization devices and measures and for permanent soil stabilization after construction is completed.
    Design criteria for corrective measures when necessary.
    Opinions and recommendations covering the stability of the site.
R.O. 2011 §430.130; Ord. No. 711-09 §§1 — 3, 7-1-2009